Velocity Girls  a novel

What could drive a child to kill?

What will happen to the spirit of a young murderer when she grows up, unable – or unwilling – to speak to anyone of her dark deed?

Freckled redhead Kate Mackenzie has been drawn to Rachel Hunter from the moment they met as teenagers racing karts at a local dirt oval. Rachel's precocious talent stirred Kate's envy – and other feelings she still doesn't fully understand.

Rachel's dark hair and exotic features are captivating, but the attraction runs deeper. Fiery and charismatic, Rachel is unlike anyone Kate has ever known. Passionate and forthright, intense and driven, she holds nothing back; yet some fundamental aspect of her character remains elusive.

For a decade the two have been best friends, fierce competitors, and loyal business partners. Kate’s own formidable racing skills, pragmatic personality, and brilliant engineering mind complement Rachel’s transcendent talent. The two women have risen through the ranks of professional motor racing, forming their own team along the way.

Now they've reached the major leagues of open-wheel racing. Succeeding at this level is an enormous challenge; no team led by women has ever done it. With Rachel's brilliance behind the wheel backed by Kate's engineering ability, they begin to make it happen.

Until, on a sunny Sunday afternoon in May, catastrophe strikes. 

And secrets long hidden begin to be revealed.

Coming soon!