Below is a listing of known bugs. If you find a bug not listed here, I suggest you report it to Sierra Sports via hard copy at:
Sierra Sports Technical Support
P.O. Box 85006
Bellevue, WA 98015-8506
You can also send your report via email. Email sent to this address should be read by a human. The email address given in the GPL manual,, will get you only an automated response.
My guess is that, as in politics, hard copy is likely to be more effective, since it takes more effort to send a letter than an email.
On Rendition cards, portions of your menus may suddenly become blurry and/or start flickering. Usually going to the track will resolve this, but if not, you may need to exit the game.
Often, especially after you pass another car or get passed by another car, the pit board will report confusing results. This is due to the way the data about lap completions is cached on the client. At the end of the race, however, results will be correct.
If you don't get to the grid on time, you will have to start from the pit lane. You'll be held until about 20 seconds after the start. This is fine, but if your pit stall is after the Start/Finish line, your first lap will not be counted, since in races, scoring starts the moment you first cross the start-finish line.
It is common to find that your lap times do not get reported on the following lap on occasion. This is due to a packet being lost. Usually the lap time will be accurately reported on the following lap.
This is a more serious problem, in which no lap times at all are reported for a given player for an entire race session. Papyrus is aware of this, but it wouldn't hurt to report it to Sierra in the hopes that if enough people complain, perhaps a patch will be prepared.
You may experience choppy frame flow even if you are getting 36 fps according to GPL's frame counter. See my GPL Online FAQ for an explanation of this and how to get rid of it.
You may find that your opponents' cars sometimes disappear, reappearing a moment later a great distance away, and continuing from the new position. If you are a client, this may be accompanied by a screen flash and/or a warbling of your engine sound. See my GPL Online FAQ for an explanation of this and how to get rid of it.
There are a number of other anomolies which can occur in online racing. See the GPL Online FAQ for an extensive discussion of the issues involved in online racing in GPL, and suggested solutions.