A number of readers have asked if it's possible to run the Rendition version of ICR2/Papyrus CART Racing on a Hercules Thriller, Diamond Stealth II S220, or other second-generation Rendition cards. There are issues with the way the second generation cards support a certain feature which is used by the Rendition version of ICR2, and it will not work on Rendition 2x00 cards out of the box.
However, there is a patch which apparently works for many people. Below is a detailed email from Richard Leske, who has gotten the Rendition version of ICR2 to work with this patch and even written a handy batch file to streamline the procedure. Following Rich's email are comments from other people who have tried various ways of running ICR2 on R2x00 cards.
I'll try to make this as simple as possible and explain it the best I can for you!
Now there is different ways to make this work....this works for me..... First you need to have these.... If you already don't have them....
1. Rendition version of Indy or Cart
2. The icr2_v2k.zip patch
3. (optional; I'll explain later) V2dosfix. patch (you can get this at Bjorn's 3D world too)
Start by making a new folder in your Indy directory called "backup" (note: you have to make changes to references to drives or name of folders that fit your situation.......example: if you have indy2 and it's on "D" drive as mine is.....the bat file can be used as is. Otherwise just change what needs to be D to C ...or Indy to Cart etc. Clear?)
1. Unzip icr2_v2k.zip.........Three files...indycar2.exe spd3d.uc and a readme.txt
2. add a 2 to the end of the spd3d.uc (spd3d.uc2)
3. copy the spd3d.uc2 to the folder ....."backup" ....you made.
4. COPY your original spd3d.uc in your game to the backup folder (now you should have a uc2 and a uc file in your backup folder and still the original in the indy dir. OK? ) Good!
5. Now copy the Indycar2.exe file from the patch to your Indy dir.
6.Next right click on your indyfast.bat in your indy dir.......choose edit.....look towards the bottom and find...... INDYCAR > INDYCAR.DMP change to this INDYCAR2 > INDYCAR.DMP close and save changes.
Also choose properties on the indyfast.bat ....programs....advanced.....check MSDOS box. Close........done with indyfast.
7. Now the bat file......copy the below to like.... notepad and save as Indyfix.bat.
@echo off call indyfast del d:\indy2\spd3d.uc copy d:\indy2\backup\spd3d.uc2 d:\indy2\spd3d.uc call indyfast del d:\indy2\spd3d.uc copy d:\indy2\backup\spd3d.uc d:\indy2\spd3d.uc
8. Place this bat file in your indy dir..(remember...drive and location changes that fits you)
9. Again properties of indyfix.bat........MSDOS mode checked.
10. OK....ready to give it a try? Double click on "indyfix.bat"....should exit windows and start game in DOS.....you will see a band of colors at the top.......wait till game starts..(could take a bit)....as soon as game starts...exit game.....bat file should switch uc files and restart the game on its own with the "new" patch uc. Mirrors and dash should be correct.....but....there still is some graphic problems for some...track or fences not perfect.
But that's the best we have to work with! (note: you still can run the indyfast.bat but the mirrors and dash are bad. Experiment to see if you see the dif on track and fence) Alt-A (while in the game) has been known to help in some cases.
That's it! Let me know if it works for you or if you have problems....maybe I can help.
Oh...about the optional V2dosfix patch.....works also for me by running this patch on the original indycar.exe and then remove the 2 after indycar from the indyfast bat you added before! Just another option if you want to try it. Leave everything else the same as changed or added above. I can't see a difference in the two on my machine.....maybe you can on your's.
This may have got to be long , but........I wanted to explain it the best I could to make it as easy to understand as possible! Hope I did! :)
All that bat file is doing is (as you can probably see) starting the game for you and when you exit....loading the patch uc. in the originals place.....and then when you quit the game...reloading the original uc back into the indy dir for the next start. (The game will not start with the patched uc but only after starting with the original and then restarting with the patched uc.) Don't ask me why! :)
You can also start the game in Dos from the command prompt...by typing indyfix from the directory your game is installed to if that's what you want. Again just exit when starting the first time and it will restart on its own with the mirror fix.
Again ....Let me know if it works for you! Good Luck!
I went to the site got the file. Followed [Rich's] info in your attached post to the letter & Wahlah! It worked perfectly! I think it changed the cockpit view but that's not really that important!! So if you want to run the Rendition version of ICR2 in dos or windows 9x just extract the file follow the instructions and you are ready!
"O" also it worked for all 3 of my ICR2s on c: d: & e:! So everything is running great!! Again Thanx for the help!!
I did get the patch from The Adrenaline Vault's web site, but it's not working. :-(
I read and followed the readme.txt file, but when I try to run ICR2 all I get are some colored lines at the top of the screen, but the sound works fine. I have tried it several ways, including running in pure DOS. From the info at Adrenaline's site, Rendition is the manufacturer of the patch. I checked their web site, but can't find any e-mail address for tech support.
Any ideas anyone???
>I *just* got my Thriller 3-D 8-meg card installed, and it is AWESOME in Nascar 2 and Soda (to name a few). My problem is with Indy Car Racing 2. It won't load in rendition mode. It says something like "v1000 chip not found". Is there a patch or work around for this? Every other program that I have tried so far seems to be running GREAT! I remember hearing that there was some trouble getting ICR2 to run with the new Rendition chips, but I am wondering if anyone has any ideas.
Don't bother with that patch. I don't think any V2x00 user has been able to run Rendition Ready ICR2 with it. There are two ways that I've been able to run ICR2 on my Stealth II: first, I can run indysafe.bat through Windows 95; and second, I can run indyfast.bat through DOS using the v2dosfix utility, a program that allows the V2x00 cards to run Speedy 3D games through DOS instead of Windows. You can find v2dosfix.zip at Bjorn's 3D World: