Several people have had problems installing the beta 3D track kits on their machines. As this is a beta test program, perhaps this is to be expected!
If you encounter difficulties, before contacting us for help, please follow the steps below. Then, if you still can't get the tracks to install, follow the instructions at the bottom of this file to collect debug logs and all relevant information about your installation, and forward it to me.
If you discover something that might be of value for other users, please forward that to me!
First, please read the Readme.txt file
that came with the installer! There are several requirements which
you must fulfil on your machine before you can install the kits,
and the Readme explains these.
Make sure the kit files are in a directory named 3Dkits, which is a subdirectory of your ICR2 directory. For example, if you have ICR2 installed in c:\ICR2, the 3D kit files must all be in c:\ICR2\3DKITS.
If you have ICR2 installed anywhere but c:\ICR2, you must do one additional step. For example, if your ICR2 is in d:\GAMES\ICR2, the 3D kit files must be in d:\GAMES\ICR2\3DKITS, and you must use a command line parameter to inform the installer of this location. See the Readme file for this command line parameter, or run install /? to see an explanation of it.
Next, make sure you have PKUNZIP installed in a directory in your path. To verify this, at a DOS prompt, type PATH and see what directories are listed. Make sure that PKUNZIP.EXE is in one of these directories (having it in the 3DKits directory is not sufficient unless the 3Dkits directory is in your PATH).
Here is what I get when I type PATH:
I have a copy of PKUNZIP in E:\TOOLS. If you don't have a TOOLS directory, you could put PKUNZIP in C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND. Then you will be able to run PKUNZIP from any directory.
To verify that you have this set up correctly, CD to one of the track directories in your ICR2 installation, and run PKUNZIP. For example:
PKUNZIP should run and display its help screen.
Make sure you have PACK.EXE and UNPACK.EXE installed in your ICR2 main directory (ie c:\ICR2).
See CART/ICR2 3D Kits or the readme for information about where to obtain PKUNZIP, PACK, and UNPACK.
I recommend you run the installer from a Windows 95 DOS prompt. It will execute much more quickly that way, because of Windows 95's more efficient management of memory when running the PACK and UNPACK utilities.
Once the 3D tracks are installed, then close the DOS prompt and use the Start Menu to Restart the Computer in DOS Mode before you run ICR2.
If you still have trouble, there are several things you might try: first, assuming you are running the menu-driven interface (ie running "install") try installing just one track.
If that fails, try running in command line mode. For example, to install Detroit, run:
install detroit
If this fails, turn on debugging and run again. To turn on debugging, use Notepad to edit the file C:\ICR2\3DKITS\kit_ini.bat. Change the last line to read like this:
Now run the installer again, and attempt to install just one track; ie:
install detroit
This will produce two debug files, ICR2\3DKITS\logfile.txt and ICR2\TRACKS\DETHQ\logfile.txt. Review these and see if either reports anything helpful, especially near the end.
One other thing you might try is doing a fresh install of ICR2, especially if you have modified your current installation in any way. Then create a 3DKits directory in the new installation directory, copy the kits and kit installer into it, and try running the installer again.
If you have Papyrus CART Racing, see the installation instructions and the special Rendition readme file on my web site:
Follow the links from the Reviews main page to the CART Racing installation instructions.
Sending me debug information
If you still can't get the installer to work, rename DETHQ\logfile.txt to detlog.txt and bundle both debug files up into a zip archive. Include a copy of your C:\ICR2\3DKITS\kit_ini.bat file in this zip archive. Also include in the zip file a text file - call it "myspecs.txt" - which specifies the following:
1. Please tell me exactly the path to each 3D kit file.
2. Please tell me exactly the path to your ICR2 installation.
3. Are you running the installer in a Windows 95 prompt or in DOS?
4. What is the version number of your Windows 95 or of your DOS (whichever is applicable)? In Windows 95, click on Control Panel, then System. The version will be either "Windows 95", "Windows 95A", or Windows 95B".
5. What is the version number of the installer you have? This is in the beginning of the install.bat file and also shows on the menu when you run it.
6. What version of ICR2 are you using? Is it from a Rendition card bundle, or from the new Papyrus CART Racing CD-ROM?
7. Have you modified your ICR2/CART installation in any way (other than with new car setups or carsets)? If so, exactly what modifications have you made?
8. What exactly is the command that you are executing, and what is the exact error message? If you can, tell me any output that preceded the error message as well.
9. Include your email address. Add your phone number if you wish.
To summarize, the zip file should contain:
myspecs.txt (with *all* the above information)
Send the zip file to me here:
I'll do my best to track down your problem. If, during the course of this exercise, you discover something that might be useful to me and/or other users, please let me know!